Uncovering Ancient Maya Secrets: 4,000-Year-Old Canals Reveal Sophisticated Fishing Practices


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Uncovering Ancient Maya Secrets: 4,000-Year-Old Canals Reveal Sophisticated Fishing Practices

The Discovery: Ancient Canals and Fishermen

Engineering Marvels: The Significance of the Canals

Archaeologists have unearthed 4,000-year-old canals in Mexico, revealing the ingenious fishing practices of the ancient Maya's predecessors.

The Discovery: Ancient Canals and Fishermen

1. Located in the Tabasco region, Mexico
2. Canals date back to the Formative Period (c. 2000 BCE - 1000 BCE)
3. Built by the Olmec or early Maya civilizations

Engineering Marvels: The Significance of the Canals

1. Sophisticated hydraulic systems
2. Fish traps and aquaculture
3. Adaptation to coastal wetlands

Implications and Insights

1. Early Maya civilization's complexity
2. Advanced knowledge of hydrology and engineering
3. Sustainable fishing practices